What if you could write sales-psychology-backed words for your website, turning it into a conversion-machine…

…with support from a copywriting pro every step of the way?


To build your empire you need a website that works as hard as you do to get more clients.

But your current website didn’t get the memo, right?

So, you have two options:

  1. Outsource to a copywriter (but who???)

  2. DIY (but how???)

Wait! There’s a third option. 

Write it yourself, with a sales copywriting pro 🙋‍♀️ guiding you through every step.

That’s right friends, your website-wing-woman is here. 

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The Website Words Workshop is perfect for coaches and consultants who want to write high-converting, sales-psychology-backed copy for their website. In only 4 weeks.

If you’re a coach or service-based business…this has your name alllll over it becasue:

👋 You’d kinda like to be involved in writing your copy But the thought of going it alone… All. Too. Hard

👋 Your website is holding you back
Too much overthinking and second-guessing

👋 You don’t have the time (or energy) to put all the parts of this website puzzle together on your own

👋 You understand that sales psyhcology is crucial You’re ready to learn a skill you can use for LIFE

Ready to uplevel your business, with a website that works harder than you do?

Read on, my friend.


Let me break down how you’re going to get from here:

➡️ Stuck ➡️ Frustrated ➡️ Overwhelmed.

To here:

➡️ Relieved ➡️ Empowered ➡️ Proud ➡️On top of the world.
Making money from your website, finally.

The Website Words Workshop.

A step-by-step programme for writing sales-psychology-backed website copy within 4 weeks. Without feeling overwhelmed, stuck or alone.

(You won’t find other copy courses focusing on sales psychology quite like this - it’s the secret sauce 😉)

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Here’s a sneak peak inside

And it goes a little something like this...

👉🏻 Access to the workshop portal and a pre-prep exercise that’ll unearth the psychographic info you need to know about your audience, in order to write for them.

Includes an intro video and an easy-to-follow ‘Target Audience Profile’ template.

👉🏻 Module 1: My ‘Clever TRIC’ method to customer research
I show you how to sneak into the hearts and minds of your audience using online research and copywriting secrets. Trust me, you learn how to do this, and you can write ANYTHING. 

Includes an explainer video and easy-to-follow ‘Voice of Customer’ template

👉🏻 Module 2: Homepage
We’ll follow the exact framework I have perfected with my 1:1 clients to write a Homepage that converts. You’ll learn exactly what to put where, to avoid the ‘junk-draw’ Homepage.

Includes real-life examples, explainer videos for each section and an easy-to-follow Homepage template

👉🏻 Module 3: About page
The About page is usually the second most visited on your site. You’ll learn how to articulate your point of view, along with the inside scoop on writing a killer About page that’s not cringey

Includes real-life examples, explainer videos for each section and an easy-to-follow About page template

👉🏻 Module 4: How I work page
I’ll show you how to package up your process in a way that avoids confusion and boosts conversions. You’ll have a framework for how you do business that instantly increases your value

Includes real-life examples, explainer videos for each section and an easy-to-follow How I Work page template

👉🏻 Module 5: Copy review cheatsheet
Now you’ll learn how to edit your copy and make it pop. You’ll get a tried and tested cheatsheet to make sure you've got high-converting copy on your hands (and on your page).

Includes explainer videos and downloadable cheatsheets

👉🏻 Module 5 (continued): SEO and sales psychology tips
Finally we’ll go through the BEST thing you can do to improve your on-page SEO and take a journey back through all the sales psychology copywriting tips we’ve learnt through the past sessions

👉🏻 Plus weekly live coaching and co-working sessions for 4 weeks.

•• I encourage you to finish the course in 4 weeks, but it is self paced and #lifehappens
so you’ll have access for 12 weeks from when you start ••


(but that’s NOT what you’ll pay…)

The investment to upskill yourself and next-level your business is only $623 (USD)

With a 100%, no questions asked money-back-guarentee.
Check out the FAQs at the bottom of the page for more on that.


Pay in one installement


Pay over two installements

I really loved it and learnt soooo much. My first post using our techniques got me about four new clients and the most engagement ever.
— Kylie Wall, West Coast Holistic Health

 Killer copy that converts = You making more money


As well as fully-finished web copy that will grow your biz, by the end of the workshop you’ll:

🚀 Understand the sales psychology behind copy that converts

🚀 Know that all the time, money and sanity you pour into your marketing is paying off

🚀 Save money from not hiring a copywriter and save time from not trying to do it alone

🚀 Know how to write sales copy that converts, for emails, ads and captions

But most of all…be proud that YOU DID IT!

I’m here to tell you that you CAN learn how to write great copy for your business (even if you ‘hate’ writing).

Breathe a sigh of relief. High-five yourself. You finally found the answer to your website overwhelm.

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A must have for anyone who wants to understand the principles of copywriting and rehaul their website”.
— Gemma Harvey, Voila Digital Marketing

I got clear on how to write to my target audience. I have a structure to work within so I don’t feel overwhelmed or lost. You can have consistency over your website and know how to write for your niche.”

- Tanja Mulcahy

The investment to upskill yourself and next-level your business is only $623 USD

With a 100%, no questions asked money-back-guarentee.
Check out the FAQs at the bottom of the page for more info.


Pay in one installement


Pay over two installements

How do you know I’m the real deal?


I don’t just teach this stuff, I do it.

I’ve worked in marketing for 16 years and written a gazillion high-converting websites since I started my copywriting business 7 years ago.

I studied Psychology.

It’s impossible to inspire a reader to take an action (which is basically what copywriting is) without a deep knowledge of sales and consumer psychology. Fact.

I keep it simple.

I’ve worked with enough business owners (plus, I am one) to know that running a business is complicated enough. Let’s cut the fluff and get to the stuff that works.

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Hi. I’m Elle.

I know from experience that the bigger your business grows, the more you’ll need to write for it. And since (alas) you can’t have a copywriter following you around all the time, I’m here to teach you copywriting skills that’ll pay you for life. 

Copy is my why. And I pass its power on to the amazing clients I work with, by teaching them the skill. So they can go forth and share their why with the world.

And so the ripple effect of brilliance continues. I love that concept.

Writing copy is not a dark art. In fact, it’s 98% science (i.e sales psychology). The great news is, you can learn the science! And I can show you how.

This is the right (or should I say ‘write’) 5-step workshop for:

  • Coaches, consultants and service-based businesses, because let’s face it the copy we need is a different ballgame to e-commerce

  • New businesses trying to find your feet and nail your marketing message. ‘Copy’ right now might be more like...notes…in your head

  • Businesses who have been around for a couple of years and need their website to start bringing in more mula. Stat.

  • Anyone who understands that if you want your business to boom, you can’t put this off any longer.

    Sound like you?


The Website Words Workshop with Elena was fantastic. I have noticed my confidence in writing my copy has increased. The template, strategy and framework is clear and easy to apply, and Elena has taken out the overwhelm by focussing on the essentials on good copy.”

— Bonnie Hook, Bon VA Services

“What is brilliant is the simple framework of collecting the research and later slotting it in to the copy.

I understand the psychology now and it helps me make decisions about the copy. I feel I can take this knowledge into the future and use the same principles to write copy if I have to.”

— Liisa Vurma, Nudge Me

“I feel more confident. I know how to enhance my website. I have a structure and a template that I can keep coming back to, it’s such a relief.”

- Tanja Mulcahy, TanjaMulcahy.com

This investment to upstill yourself and next-level your business
is only $623

(payment plan available and 100% money-back-guarentee)

I’m ready to invest in myself and my business.

Got a burning question before you go for it? Ask away.

Want to check out the Website Words Workshop Terms & Conditions? Very wise: Here you go.

Next-levelling your business with high-converting, sales-psychology-backed copy, is the single best thing you can do to help your business grow this year. And next year. And the year after.

Putting it off is costing your business (and your sanity!). It’s time to get it done.

This is where I answer the burning question that’s in your head…

  • Sure you could hit Google. You can even find zillions of free videos on youtube. But you won’t find a copywriting course quite like this.

    1. You’ll learn my ‘Clever TRIC’ method to understanding your client. Seriously, once you learn this you’ll never stare at a blank screen again.

    2. We bake sales psychology into every page. This is the secret sauce when it comes to conversions. I have a background in psychology, and bring alllll the persuasion principles and decision triggers into the writing process. So you can do the same.

    3. Although you get step-by-step templates, this isn’t a “sign-up and see-ya” deal. I’m with you, live, every week to guide you through the process. So you’ll never feel stuck or alone.

    I promise you won’t find another course, or copywriter doing it quite like this. I’m so sure you’ll love it ,that I offer an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.

  • Each module is drip-fed weekly. This is to help manage overwhelm, yet keep the traction going.

    I suggest putting aside 3-5 hours per week to complete each module. Add the time into your calendar as soon as you sign up, so you don’t keep putting it off until later.

    You’ll get a lot of value from the weekly live coaching sessions, which are 45-60 minutes each week for 4 weeks.

    BUT all that said, I know you’re short on time, so think of it like this - 4 weeks and your DONE!

  • When you join we decide on a time that works for the majority of the group (or split into two sessions).

    To attend you just need to log into the course portal (or follow the link from the email reminders).

    Each live session will run for around 45-60 minutes and is your chance to ask me anything about your website copy and the course.

    Even if you don’t have a question, we use this time as a virtual co-working session too, so you can get cracking on your module for that week, with accountability.

    Website Workshoppers always find these session useful and valuable.

    You’ll get the information for each live session when you sign up for the Website Words Workshop.

    The lives will run for 4 weeks, startign from the week you join the course.

  • The Website Words Workshop comes with an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.

    If, after 12 weeks, you have completed all the modules, and you’re not satisfied with your sales-psychology-packed, conversion-busting website copy, I wouldn’t feel right taking your money.

    Send an email to elena@23wisewords.com and I’ll refund the price of the Workshop. No forms, no strings, no questions asked.

    You can find all the Website Words Workshop terms and conditions here.

    I am ALWAYS here to answer any questions or worries throughout the course. You can email me directly and you will receive my contact details when you sign up.

  • I recommend you plan to complete the Workshop within 4 weeks so you can get your new website up and running ASAP!

    However, you will have access to the course for 12 weeks from the date you join.

  • The Website Words Workshop has been carefully crafted to work specifically for service-based businesses. Particularly those who work 1:1 with their clients, such as coaches, consultants, VA’s, designers and marketers.
    E-comm websites are a very different ballgame, so the pages we go through on the course won’t apply to you.

    Maybe one day there’ll be a WWW: E-comm edition!

  • Great question.

    We cover the 3 main pages every service-based business needs in the WWW (Homepage, About + How I work).

    However you are free to add as many pages as you’d like to your own site (I recommend adding a contact page at least 😉).

    You can take all the copywriting skills you learn in the course and apply them to any other page you write for your website.

  • Not in this one, but it’s on the agenda, so watch this space.

    I do have a sales page template, which I’m happy to share with any of my WWW students. Just ask me once you join!

  • All good! Just email me elena@23wisewords.com.

    Ask me anything!