Here’s why you need PR

I’m all about business growth, whether it’s through killer copywriting that brings in more leads. Or growth strategies that don’t involve throwing $$$$ at Zuckerberg.

Of course, there’s a place in your marketing plan for Facebook ads, but let’s not think it’s the be-all-and-end-all. 

So, on that note. This week I caught up with Celia from PR Shed. PR Shed is a no-nonsense PR subscription service for all types of businesses - big and small (and they’ve just launched some packages you’ll LOVE). 

I don’t know about you, but when I think of PR, I think that’s only for big brands, and then WTF is PR

This is coming from someone who has a degree in PR, by the way.

So I asked Celia: If you could give a novice three really practical, simple tips to get on the PR gravy train, what would they be? 

Here we go: 3 hacks you can literally do right now to get the word out about your business. Forget paying for ads, this is for FREE.

  1. Read the news intentionally. 

However you consume your news, start paying more attention to the types of stories you’re seeing. Whose reporting it? How do they use headlines? Is there anything topical you can jump on for your business?

Training your mind to think strategically about the news you consume, will mean you start picking up on the PR stories and how to use the news to your advantage.    

Which leads us on to point 2...

2. Get Google Alerts

It’s like a PR agency sending you pitch ideas, for free! You’re not going to read every single publication, website, news source to spot opportunities, because, well you have a life to live.

So let Google do it for you. Set up alerts for anything related to your industry or business, keep it country/state local for more relevant stories and BAM. 

In your inbox, every day is the coverage you can give your expert opinion on, or use the trending topics to write content about that gets more engagement. 

See which journalist has written the article (they usually have an email address on the article too). Hit them up and say you’d like to comment on the story. 

Now, let’s make this one step easie

3. If you only do one thing… Sign up for Source Bottle 

Sourcebottle is a niffy little tool that does the journo outreach for you. Tell it the types of topics you’re interested in and they’ll round up all the stories journalists are going to cover in your area of expertise, and ask you to be a part of it. 

The great thing about Source Bottle is you can pick and choose what you feel comfortable being a part of. Don’t want to go straight into talking on TV? No worries, put yourself forward for podcasts first. Don’t want to speak? No worries enter your expertise for written articles. It’s a great beginners’ toe-dip onto PR. 

Feel a bit more confident about PR now? As Celia said, it’s not a dark art. Anyone can get involved and it’s an untapped resource because no-one knows what to do! 

If you’re really getting excited about PR, check out PR Shed, no affiliate links or referral systems going on here, just know a REALLY good thing when I see it. While everyone is distracted by Reels, why not swoop in and leave your competitors in the dust with free publicity. 

While you’re here…here’s some ways we can work together (it’ll be so much fun!) 

😍 Let me write high-converting, psychology-backed words for your website. Book a time to chat

😍 Let me write your launch copy, from ad to sales page to email sequence. Book a time to chat

😍 Book me to host a free Copy Clinic for your community,or guest spek about all things psychology in words on your podcast. Book a time to chat


Yes you should include pricing on your website. Here’s why.