4 SEO tips (brought to you by an SEO ninja) that’ll get your website ranking higher. 

Before you ask, unfortunately no I’m not an SEO-ninja. 

I know my way around on-page SEO and making websites google-friendly with keywords. But I tap out with the backend (why do I always feel weird saying that?) tech-y stuff. 

However one lady who does not run for the hills at the word backlink is Kaysi from @doubleshotseo. So I asked Kaysi this question:

If you could tell business owners 4 PRACTICAL things they could do to improve their website SEO right now, what would they be?

Let’s find out what she said.

Tip 1: It’s not all about the words. (Don’t think I have ever written that sentence before)

Your images play a mammoth role in how much Google loves your site:

  • Reduce the file sizes BEFORE you upload them to avoid slowing your site down

  • Use keywords in your image file names 

  • Always fill in the ‘alt description’

Tip 2: Did you forget about Google My Business? Me too. 

Google My Business is not just a way to show your address and reviews.  You can actually use it as a content marketing  platform, that boosts your site ranking (because Google likes it when you use it’s products).

Post articles to Google My Business, but remember they only last 7 days, so don’t spend ages writing content. Just repurpose evergreen instagram, facebook or blog posts. And repeat weekly. 

Tip 3: A really quick way to do keyword research.

Go to Google and type in a keyword related to your business. For example, I might type in ‘copywriter’. 

Then scroll down and you’ll see a section called “People also ask”. This is what my search found:

I can see that the top question is “what does a copywriter do”? So I might write a blog article for my website entitled that. Because I know it’s what people are searching for…

..in fact I really should do that now. BRB.

Tip 4: Core web vitals (not as tricky as it sounds)

Goolge uses Core Web Vitals as a ranking signal for websites. Cut a looooooong story short it’ll be looking for: 

  • Sites that load in under 2.5 seconds 

  • That your pages become active in less than 100 milliseconds

  • That the visuals on your page are stable

Forewarned is forearmed - ask your developer to make sure you have these covered before it’s too lat,e and you drop to the lowly depths of search engine results page 492.

And on that bombshell I’ll bid you good day. 

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If you’re up for it, Here are some ways we can work together (it’ll be so much fun!) 

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The easy-as-pie email sequence.


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